In the cloud

13th November 2019
Last updated:26th June 2024
1 Minutes
183 Words


We’ve all chuckled at the meme claiming the cloud is just someone else’s computer, or that folks don’t get the cloud. But truth is, we’ve all hopped on the cloud bandwagon in one way or another.

But is the cloud the fix-all solution?

Imagine your music, docs, pics, or SQL server stranded in cyberspace during an internet outage. Or worse, the day the fiber line and electrical grid throw in the towel, leaving your cloud data high and dry. How sturdy is the cloud then? What’s the damage from such a hiccup, and is it worth the risk?

Sure, the cloud isn’t going anywhere… but going all in might not be the sage move. As a DBA, I live by having a safety net. When code goes haywire or servers play hide and seek, I’ve got a backup plan ready to roll. Same goes for the cloud – having a contingency strategy is key. If Amazon, Azure, or any cloud guru takes a nosedive, what’s Plan B apart from a downtime siesta? In simpler terms, got a parachute handy, and is it up to snuff?

Article title:In the cloud
Article author:sqlmac
Release time:13th November 2019