
Tech debt

Technical Debt Kids, it’s 2020. That means it is way past time to stop kicking the can down the road. Most of us in IT have been around long enough to see us shift from a centralized CPU (mainfram...

DevOps in the new decade

“The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change”> ~ Heraclitus A decade of new challenges The rate of change is always about the same, as fast as possible, but the directions have shifted ba...

In the cloud

Everyone has seen the meme that the cloud is just someone else’s computer. Or that people don’t understand the cloud. I think either has become too simplistic of an explanation. The fact of the m...

Getting along with others

Wait, not everyone always agrees? when it comes to working with other people it is always best to remember that others are not always on the same page. In fact, when dealing with others that work ...

SQL Saturday 913

It’s been a couple of years since I have been able to attend a SQL Saturday. I was grateful I was able to make it this year. This year however was a first for me, it was my first SQL Saturday in Mi...

Microsoft marketing is making a mess

Confusion over MS Terms Recently, I was working with a gentleman in our IT department and we were discussing adding redundancy to a couple of SQL Servers that were used for web apps. Turns out, VM...

End of 2018 - Review

It’s Thanksgiving Day and before we know it, Christmas and the New Year will be upon us. 2018 hasn’t worked out as I planned. In fact, 2018 has been a difficult year for me personally. The first h...

Office Conditions

The Office is pissing me off I have worked in an office environment for a long time. Going on twenty years in fact. I have worked in a number of different types of environments, but cubicles have ...

Postgres Failovers

Introduction to Postgres Failovers This week I got asked to help a developer figure out why a failover wasn’t working on a Postgres cluster. Interesting enough I guess. Especially because I don’t ...

DateTime2 not like DateTime

I came across an article on SQL Server Central written by Claudio Silva (blog/twitter) discussing that you can’t do arithmetic operations on DateTime2 like you can with DateTime. For example: Old...